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Infants to 12 Years


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Monday – Friday: 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Parent Resources

Experience Early Learning Curriculum


Transportation is available to select schools, call us today for a full list!

Eagle View Church,TX

Infant and Toddler Child Care in Saginaw, TX

Lionheart Children’s Academy at Eagles View, is committed to seeing every child flourish. We understand that children have tremendous potential, and we work diligently to provide a supportive, love-filled environment where they can explore, develop, and grow. Located in northwest Fort Worth, near Saginaw, TX, we are perfectly positioned to serve families seeking a blend of traditional values and modern educational practices.

infant playing

A Secure Environment for Learning and Personal Development

Our team creates a secure and stimulating environment for children to explore their abilities. We prioritize educational and personal development, collaborating with you to give your child an exceptional start. Our holistic approach to learning nurtures all areas of development, allowing children to follow their interests and become well-rounded individuals. Children learn best through play, and our Experience Early Learning curriculum gives them a variety of learning experiences through creative expression, play, and open-ended discovery while also fostering necessary life skills like communication, problem-solving, and social-emotional development.

Nurturing and Educating Young Minds

Our staff members are highly trained and experienced, working tirelessly to build a nurturing environment and meaningful relationships with your child. We equip our facility with age-appropriate toys, books, and materials that stimulate hands-on learning and exploration. Children learn best in a safe and engaging environment where they feel loved, respected, and valued, and our team is dedicated to ensuring each child receives personalized care and attention.

Comprehensive Childcare Programs for All Ages

Early childhood education lays the foundation for a successful educational journey. Lionheart Children’s Academy creates diverse experiences tailored to your child’s individual needs and developmental stage. We pair structured learning with the freedom to explore, thereby sparking a lifelong love for learning. Our childcare programs include:


Focused on providing a safe and nurturing environment, our infant care program provides rich sensory experiences and focuses on helping reach milestones.

Toddlers and 2s

This program emphasizes learning through play and incorporates activities that enhance physical, cognitive, and emotional development.


Our preschool program promotes a strong foundation in academics as well as physical, social, and emotional development.


Designed for children who are about to enter kindergarten, our pre-K program focuses on school readiness, including early literacy, mathematics, and interpersonal skills.

Before and After School Care

For school-aged kids, our before and after school care provides a safe and engaging space for children to do homework, engage with friends, and play.

Spring Break/Summer Club

During school breaks, we offer a fun and educational program to keep your child engaged, learning and having fun!

Promoting Social and Emotional Development

During preschool and pre-K years, children start interacting socially outside their families. Lionheart designs activities that encourage sharing, empathy, and teamwork, equipping children to connect with their peers and the larger community effectively. We blend academic learning with social and emotional development, gearing them up for a smooth transition to school. Our programs include opportunities for hands-on learning, encouraging children to ask questions and express themselves freely. We also emphasize the importance of positive behavior management, helping children develop healthy coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills.

Building a Supportive Community

We understand that a supportive community is essential for a child’s holistic development. We encourage open communication and collaboration between our staff and families to ensure that each child receives the best possible care. We provide regular updates on your child’s progress through daily reports, parent-teacher conferences, and other means of communication. We encourage parents and families to stay involved in their child’s educational success by participating in our various community events, class celebrations, and more.

Fostering Growth and Success

By integrating educational excellence with a heartfelt commitment to nurturing the individual needs of each child, we strive to make a profound difference in the lives of our families. Our unique approach fosters not only intellectual growth but also emotional and social development, preparing children for a lifetime of learning and success. Through our comprehensive programs, community engagement, and emphasis on creating a supportive environment, Lionheart Children’s Academy is more than a child care center but a place where children can explore and develop their potential. Contact us today or schedule a tour to learn more about how we can support your child’s growth and development.

Enrolling Children 6 Weeks – 12 Years

Infant Care, Full and Part-Time Preschool, Before & After School, and Summer Club for K – 12 Years