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Now Open!

Lionheart Children’s Academy at First Baptist Van Alstyne

565 Collin McKinney Parkway, Van Alstyne, TX 75495

6:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday


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Infants to 12 Years


Click here to see how much fun we have at Lionheart!


Monday – Friday: 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Parent Resources

Experience Early Learning Curriculum


Transportation is available to select schools, call us today for a full list!

Academy Director

Infant, Toddler, and School-Aged Child Care in Van Alstyne, TX

Lionheart Children’s Academy in Van Alstyne, TX, recognizes the infinite potential in each child. We strive to be a place that exudes warmth and care while fostering a lifelong love of learning in each child. Van Alstyne, TX, is a community that prioritizes education and care, making it a perfect place for our academy.

Lionheart in Van Alstyne is now open and serving children six weeks through 12 years! Call us today to schedule a tour.

Nurturing Space for Exploration and Learning

We offer a secure and enriching environment that allows children to grow, discover their capabilities, and flourish. We work with parents to meet the educational and personal needs of each child, providing a solid foundation for their growth. Our award-winning Experience Early Learning curriculum is infused with hands-on, play-based learning activities that inspire curiosity and promote critical thinking. We balance academics with life skills and foster communication, problem-solving, and social-emotional development.

Equipping Children for Developmental and Academic Success

Our experienced team is committed to fostering a nurturing and stimulating environment for your child. The learning tools in our facility – age-appropriate toys, books, and materials – have been carefully selected to facilitate hands-on learning and exploration. Our teachers are trained to encourage independence, creativity, and leadership in children while also helping them reach developmental milestones and prepare for school. We believe that every child has unique talents and interests, and our team strives to provide a safe space for them to explore and express themselves.

Partnership with Parents and Guardians

At Lionheart Children’s Academy, we value the partnership between parents and teachers. We understand that parents know their children best and play a crucial role in their development. We encourage open communication and collaboration, welcoming parents to participate in their child’s learning journey through conferences, class parties, and community events.

Our Comprehensive Childcare Programs

We passionately advocate for early childhood education, believing it’s critical to future success. Our programs are designed to inspire a lifelong love for learning and prepare children for future academic success. We offer a variety of programs for different age groups, from infants to school-aged children. Each program is tailored to meet the specific needs of each age group, incorporating both structured learning and free play in a safe and nurturing environment. Our aim is to provide comprehensive care for children while supporting parents in their busy lives. The programs we offer include:

Infant Program

Focused on babies from 6 weeks to 12 months, this program provides a safe, soothing environment that supports early development through sensory exploration and nurturing interactions.

Toddler Program

Designed for children aged 12 months to 3 years, this program encourages toddlers to explore their environment, fostering independence while supporting their rapid physical and emotional growth.

Preschool/Pre-K Program

For children aged 3 to 5 years, our preschool curriculum prepares them for kindergarten through engaging activities that promote literacy, mathematics, and social skills.

Before and After School Program

Our before and after school program is available for school-aged children. This program offers a supportive space for children k-12 years to do homework, engage with friends, and play.

Summer Club

This fun-filled program for children entering 1st through 5th grades offers a variety of activities including arts and crafts, sports, outdoor adventures, and field trips designed to keep kids actively learning and engaged during the summer months.

Building Community Connection

At Lionheart Children’s Academy, we believe in nurturing a strong connection between a child’s home life and school. We welcome parents to partake in various activities in the academy bolstering the support network that every child needs. We also organize community events that bring together families and staff, promoting a sense of belonging. Our academy offers numerous opportunities for parents to engage directly in their child’s learning experience, including volunteer opportunities in the classroom and participation in special events. Parental involvement enriches the educational environment for all children, fostering deeper family connections and community spirit.

Unlocking Your Child’s Potential

Our goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for children to learn and grow. We aim to make a lasting positive difference in the lives of children and families. Our team strives to unleash each child’s potential by providing a nurturing space for exploration and learning. We work with parents to meet the unique needs of each child, empowering them to become confident learners and leaders. Contact us  to learn more about our programs or schedule a tour today!

Enrolling Children 6 Weeks – 12 Years

Infant Care, Full and Part-Time Preschool, Before & After School, and Summer Club for K – 12 Years