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Now Open!

Lionheart Children’s Academy at First Baptist Church Greenwood

1589 Averitt Road, Greenwood, IN 46143

6:30 AM – 6:00 PM Monday to Friday


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Infants to 12 Years


Click here to see how much fun we have at Lionheart!


Monday – Friday: 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Parent Resources

Experience Early Learning Curriculum


Transportation is available to select schools, call us today for a full list!

Academy Director

Greenwood’s Trusted Child Care Provider

At Lionheart Children’s Academy we are passionate about serving your family. We know how incredibly special your children are and that is why we have implemented a holistic approach to care that focuses on each child’s development physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. Our programs utilize research-based, developmentally appropriate curriculums and activities so that children reach their milestones while feeling successful and celebrated. We recognize the importance of early childhood education and our programs are designed to promote a life-long love of learning. We are committed to providing a loving and nurturing environment for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school aged children. Find out more about our programs and academy by visiting our campus today!

Fostering a Life-Long Love of Learning

Our teachers and staff are passionate about early childhood education and love seeing your child reaching their developmental milestones through exploration and play. Seeing your child succeed while having fun is one of the greatest joys of a Lionheart teacher. We use a researched-based curriculum, Experience Early Learning (EEL) that nurtures all areas of development: social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive behaviors. We encourage these areas of growth and development through engaging activities that include:

  • Gross motor and fine motor development
  • Language development
  • Sensory play
  • Dramatic play
  • Bible stories and songs
  • Art and more!

Find out if Lionheart Children’s Academy at First Baptist Church Greenwood is right for your family’s child care needs by contacting us online or scheduling a tour today!

Experience Excellence with Lionheart Children’s Academy at First Baptist Church Greenwood

We believe in equipping kids to be world-changers while supporting hard working parents who need affordable child care. Our hiring process is rigorous and our teachers are all highly qualified and certified. While our curriculum has a strong focus on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, we also recognize the importance of play in the development of healthy, well-rounded children. As a non-profit Christian organization, we also believe in the value of a strong spiritual foundation that allows children to grow in strength of character throughout their lives. Finally, we believe that a child’s day should be filled with fun and laughter!

If you are looking for an early childhood education program that cares deeply about your child while also partnering with parents, contact Lionheart Children’s Academy. Our Greenwood, IN location operates Monday – Friday from 6:30AM to 6:00PM to accommodate parents’ work schedules. We can’t wait to get to know you and your family and welcome you to our Lionheart family!

Exterior of Lionheart Children's Academy in Greenwood, IN

Enrolling Children 6 Weeks – 12 Years

Infant Care, Full and Part-Time Preschool, Before & After School, and Summer Club for K – 12 Years