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As I’ve mentioned before, I love the change in seasons, and the Type A planner in me loves a good list (bucket or other). After the success of my family’s summer bucket list, I thought it would be fun to create one for fall.

There are so many fun things to do in the fall – even in Texas – but with sports and homework and life, it can be easy for me to get toward the end of the season and realize I haven’t done many of the things that I really wanted to with my family.

Creating a bucket list helps me make sure that I am intentional with our time, plan activities that are suited for my kids’ variety of ages (currently 2 years old to 8), and take advantage of some of the fun things for this time of year!

I hope our list below helps inspire your family to come up with your own way to celebrate the fall together!

  • Decorate the house for fall. My kids start asking to decorate shortly after Labor Day, but for some reason, I don’t really think I can “do” fall until October. As soon as the calendar turns, though, I bring down the bin of decorations and start getting festive. I used to have a particular place for everything, but this year I let my kids take the reins a bit. There were a few placements I had to “redirect,” but I was surprised to see some of their new creative ways of using our existing decorations and loved the seeing the sense of ownership they had!
  • Visit a pumpkin patch. Cute matching outfits optional.
  • Attend the State Fair of Texas. Preferably on a weekday that is NOT a local school district’s fair day. I don’t love crowds.
  • Go to a high school football game.
  • Get pumpkins for our front porch. We don’t go over the top with this because they can be kind of pricey for a short-term decoration, but I love the way my kids have always gotten into this! Our local nursery has a pumpkin festival with popcorn, bubbles, chalk, pumpkin decorating, etc., so we always try to time our pumpkin shopping with that festival.
  • Carve pumpkins. This will be a new one for us this year. (My Type A personality also does not love the huge mess I am certain this will make.) The kids are excited about it, so we will see how it goes!
  • Play in the leaves. We have trees that will be full of color one week and completely leafless the next. So much fun is had with all the piles. My littles love to lay in them, throw them, etc. My oldest loves to bag them. Wins all around!
  • Roast pumpkin seeds.
  • Go on a hayride. (This is actually not on my list due to allergies, but I’m hoping my bigger kids can do this with friends. It seems like something you should do in the fall.)

It can feel overwhelming to try to make the most of every moment and soak it all in – especially when your kids are little. Having a list like this helps me prioritize and feel less overwhelmed. But remember, fall comes around every year, so if you don’t get to all (or any) of the things on your list, you have an opportunity again next year! The important thing is to have fun and enjoy the time with your family, whatever you’re doing!

Happy Fall!

-Micah Q., Marketing Manager

Child playing in leaves in autumn in Tennessee