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Moms are superheroes…but we don’t all have the same super powers. It has taken me too many years as a mom to realize that we are not all given the same giftings, but we are all amazing.

As a managing partner of our household, plenty of things come naturally to me: meal planning for a month at a time, incredible craft projects, an endless number of silly songs, and epic all-day outings. There are also many things that don’t come naturally to me: reading to my kids, imaginative play, having the kids clean up their toys, and any sports/athletic activities.

Those things that don’t come naturally to me feel like work. They are hard, and I often don’t want to do them. But do I still make time for them? Absolutely!

I’ve spent too much time feeling like I’m not measuring up to other moms because of all the things that don’t come naturally to me instead of recognizing the great qualities I do bring to our family.

While I’m sure we wish that we could possess all the superpowers, that isn’t how it works.

Spiderman still fights crime and makes sure bad guys are taken care of even though it takes him longer to get there swinging on webs than it does for Superman to fly in and save the day. At the same time, Superman doesn’t have the Spidey sense to anticipate danger.

Some of us will always be better at making sure we have a home cooked meal on the table, while others could spend hours snuggled under a homemade fort reading children’s books.

One gifting is not better than the other. One gifting is not more important than the other. Your giftings are uniquely designed for – and uniquely bless – your family. Your children probably have pretty good idea of what you are really good because they can see that it brings you the most joy. It probably brings them a lot of joy, too.

For each and every mom, some things will come naturally, and others will be difficult. We can’t compare our superpower to another mom’s superpower because our powers are perfectly suited for our family. And afterall, if we all had the same superpowers, they would probably stop seeming quite so super.

I encourage you to celebrate all your giftings today, knowing you are truly remarkable as a mom, and your family is so grateful for you! We are, too!

-Kara R. Marketing Director

Joyful young boy running through an open field while his mother chases after him in Texas