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Lionheart Children’s Academy

Committed to excellence in early childhood education.

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Child Care & Early Childhood Education in Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Texas and Tennessee.

Lionheart Children’s Academy- the new standard for excellence in early learning. Our passion is to support hard-working parents with quality, affordable care and education for their children. Our purposeful and holistic approach to early care and education ensures that your child has a strong and healthy foundation for learning and for life. For more information about our locations, click here.


Ages 6 Weeks – 18 Months

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Toddlers & Twos

Ages 18 – 36 Months

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Ages 3 – 5 Years

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School Age: Trailblazers

K-12 Years

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For the Child

Lionheart believes in strong foundations, and the laying of those foundations starts early.

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Lion Heart childrens Smiling Picture


The Lionheart Difference


We provide the very best early education to prepare kids for school and cultivate a life-long love of learning.

Nurturing the Whole Child

We help parents grow physically, educationally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy children.

Parent Partnership

We cultivate relationships with our parents, provide them with practical support, and keep them involved in our program.

Staff Quality

Our leadership and teaching teams are passionate about equipping and empowering children for the future. They are educated and experienced in best practices and research based teaching, ensuring that your child will have a rich and meaningful start in life and learning.


We believe in FUN at Lionheart! This is a place about children and for children so FUN is the rule, never the exception.

Lionheart Children's Academy
